The Volle Lab

By The Academic Weapons

In the wondrous Volle lab, you see,

Where magic happens, so come with me.

Two teams, they work, both full of zest,

To conquer bacteria, put them to rest.

First, team Death, oh what a sight,

They study cell walls, day and night.

Looking for secrets, oh so sly,

That make those bugs resist and defy.

Pore formations, they investigate,

Can they bring about a timely fate?

Cell death or delay, they seek to find,

A way to leave bacteria behind.

Next, team Bdello, bold and brave,

Using predators, their powers they crave.

These tiny warriors, with a sneaky ploy,

Insert themselves and bring bacterial joy.

From inside out, they consume and feast,

A formidable force, to say the least.

But to survive in this grand strife,

Modifications they need, to extend their life.

Together, they strive to uncover the key,

Unlocking the secrets, for all to see.

With knowledge gained, they aim so high,

To create new antibiotics, oh my!

In the Volle Lab's whimsical land,

Bacteria's reign shall be unmanned.

With Dr. Seuss vibes and scientific glee,

They'll conquer the bugs, just you wait and see!